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Yes, Content Is Still King

You’ve probably heard the saying “content is king.” It’s widely credited to a 1996 essay by Microsoft Founder Bill Gates. And though the statement itself may be a bit worn in 2023, its message remains timeless: Good content plays a big role in a company’s internet...

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Four Website Trends to Watch in 2023

You probably already know that Google, the top search engine in the world, uses more than 200 ranking factors in delivering results on its search engine results pages (SERPs). Here are four important website trends 2023 to get your website ahead of the competition. If...

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How To Get The Most Out Of Your Job This Year

About 90,000 hours of your life will be spent on the job. Which means it’s inevitable that you may find yourself in a rut at times and disengage from your work. But pushing through and staying engaged has rewards. In fact,  research shows that finding meaning in work...

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Saying Goodbye to Jay Jewell

Our hearts have been broken with the recent passing of our dear friend and coworker Jay Jewell. Jay was part of the Fresh team for nearly 20 years. He met Fresh CEO Dinny when the two were in college, and after Dinny started Fresh Creative in 1999, it was only a...

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5 Ways To Mess Up Your Logo

Your logo represents your business. It’s often the customer’s first point of contact. Unfortunately, eye-catching logos are in short supply these days, and eye-sore logos abound. Our Fresh art directors Sandra Anderson and Shelley Carpenter have seen more than their...

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Why Copy Matters

If marketing were like high school, great design would be the prom queen. Her visual appeal stops you in your tracks and demands your attention. Now imagine that prom queen is also smart, funny and purpose driven. She engages you in a conversation that makes you...

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How To Win At B2B Marketing

Winning at business-to-business marketing doesn’t have to be a gamble. Although success can seem elusive in the world of B2B, it’s well within your company’s grasp. Focus on these three steps to play your cards right and gain a new client. The Right Information...

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5 Myths About Websites

Hercules and Achilles don’t hold the monopoly on myths in this world. The myths surrounding the world of websites, however, hold particular weight. The sooner businesses realize the falsehoods in these five myths, the sooner they’ll receive a surge of strength...

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Why We Don’t Skip Strategy

A wise person once said there are two types of people in the world: Those who read the directions first, and those that dive right in. In the business world, too often people set goals and skip past strategy to the action plan. Sometimes it works out. Other times it...

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Fresh Creative is a full-service digital marketing agency serving international, national, and local clients. Local areas include Lebanon, Hershey, Harrisburg, York, Lancaster, Lititz and Reading, Pennsylvania.