The Secret to Staying Adaptable

January 20, 2016

Adaptability is a necessity as the evolution of digital marketing continues with vigor. Video ads. Mobile domination. New optimization resources. Here are a few ways to stay flexible within this constantly-changing atmosphere.

Survey & Declutter

Take stock of your strategy. What have you been doing forever? Often the most-ingrained digital marketing techniques are the ones in greatest need of a fresh perspective or a clean break. Sniff out inefficiencies and unnecessary repetition. Above all, be willing to start from scratch. We’ve seen firsthand how going back to the drawing board can give companies a new lease on life—and profit!

Learn, Learn, Learn

The innumerable digital marketing options available to businesses may seem staggering, but it’s important to know what’s out there. Only when you explore the possibilities will your company find the niche that works for your audience. Webinars, newsletters and conferences can keep you ahead of the curve. At Fresh, we are forever evaluating new digital marketing opportunities along with the tried-and-true methods to help our clients find their unique pathway.

Experiment Wisely

Unless you’re a wizard, you’ll need to experiment to find the best way to reach your audience. Digital marketing is one of the easiest measurable and cost-effective ways to test different creative strategies. By creating more than one AdWord campaign, social media ad or display ad creative, you can test different images, wording and targeting to find your sweet spot. No matter how well you know your audience, a simple word change or design change may make a big difference in how your advertisement performs. Testing is the only way to discover those nuances. Sometimes the small investment on different creative can lead to dramatically improved ROI.

Adaptability in this digital environment is a necessity. As a company, you can either get ahead or fall behind. Feeling overwhelmed? That’s where we come in. As experts in marketing, advertising and branding, we can help you navigate these three steps with ease. Contact us at us or 717.274.0292.


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Fresh Creative is a full-service digital marketing agency serving international, national, and local clients. Local areas include Lebanon, Hershey, Harrisburg, York, Lancaster, Lititz and Reading, Pennsylvania.