Enterprise SEO
SEO Strategies at a Higher Level
Like small and medium-size websites, enterprise sites need SEO too! But it takes a different kind of expertise to optimize a site with thousands of pages and microsites. An enterprise site needs dedicated SEO management to maintain and improve organic search ranking. It’s a major investment — and a vital one that can generate more revenue for your company.
The digital experts at Fresh Creative can develop SEO strategies for your enterprise site. Find out how.

Make your Enterprise Site Work for You
The goal of SEO and enterprise SEO is the same: Optimizing your website to achieve a high position on the search engine results page (SERP) to drive more relevant traffic to your site.
The difference between SEO and Enterprise SEO is in the scale of the website. A small or mid-size website may have dozens or even a few hundred pages, while an enterprise website can have thousands.
A larger, more-complex website requires a different approach to SEO that takes into account a vastly larger amount of content, keywords — and a greater number of competitors. That means a bigger investment of time and resources. But well-executed enterprise SEO can also help companies earn greater revenue.
The complex nature of enterprise SEO requires more sophisticated, expert knowledge. Beyond content and keywords, enterprise sites tend to have a vastly greater number of internal and external backlinks, which are a vital component in Google’s ranking algorithm and help Google’s crawler find a website. That means it’s imperative to maintain the integrity of the pages with acquired backlinks.
While page-loading speed is an important Google ranking factor for sites of all sizes, testing and modifying thousands of pages for SEO is an immensely larger undertaking for an enterprise site than it is for a smaller site.
In short, every aspect that is important to optimizing a smaller website for organic search ranking is equally important in optimizing an enterprise site. The difference is the scale.
In addition, the strategies used to optimize an enterprise site are different as well and require a higher level of technical expertise than managing SEO for a smaller site.
Enterprise SEO requires an investment in staff with the technical know-how to manage a large-scale site. An effective alternative is to work with an outside team with the experience and skills to manage your enterprise site.
Contact the Fresh Creative team to learn more about our Enterprise SEO solutions.