Content Development


In 1996 Bill Gates declared that when it comes to making money on the internet, “content is king.” It’s not only proven true, it’s become the Golden Rule of successful internet marketing. Yet, many companies don’t assign enough emphasis – or budget dollars – to developing the high-quality, interesting and relevant content that builds internet success.

That’s where Fresh Creative can help.

Email Marketing

Why Is Content So Important?

Content encompasses all of the potential points of engagement with your audiences, including your website, videos, social media, newsletters, blogs, email – pretty much anything your audiences can consume and interact with.

Providing high-quality content is important for many reasons. Here are three of them:

Good Content Can Establish Your Brand As An Authority

Solving problems and answering questions can make your company a go-to resource for people exploring your industry.

Good Content Can Boost Your Ranking In Organic Search

Content is one of Google’s top ranking factors. Considering that there are more than 200 ranking factors, this is a really big deal. Google gives high marks to content that’s fresh, updated, original, high quality and useful. Every piece of content should be consistent in style and voice across all channels, too.

Good Content Drives Conversions And Sales

Consumers who research products online consume three to five pieces of content before making a purchase. If that research leads them to your content, it’s more likely that they’ll buy from you.

Ideally your company or brand should have a content strategy aligned with your business goals. For many companies, however, that task can be daunting, and producing the content even more overwhelming.

Contact Fresh Creative to learn how we can create a content strategy that will engage your target customers with your brand.

Content Marketing Services

We’ll tell your story and captivate your audiences on the web, in print, broadcast or virtually any medium.
Whether in print or on the web, creative design ensures audiences connect visually with your brand.
Whether it’s a product demo, event, how-to, interview or case study, we’ll create a video to keep your audiences engaged.