Marketing Resolutions

How quickly your resolve can fade, especially when you have lofty goals. Did you know that 25% of those that make New Year’s resolutions don’t even make it the first week? 2014 many not turn out to be the year you get to your high school weight or run that...

Take Time This Holiday

December is a busy time with personal and organizational business battling for your attention. Between family gatherings, corporate parties and tying up yearend business, it can be a manic, though joyous, time of year. Leave the hustle and bustle behind and take some...

Why We Are Thankful

  At this time of year, people across America are reflecting on their many reasons to be thankful. We’d like to share a few reasons we are thankful, too. We may sometimes get so wrapped up in day-to-day business that we forget to thank the people who...

Monster Marketing Mistakes

Who’s afraid of frightening fails in your marketing and their bone-chilling consequences? Don’t be haunted by your mistakes. Be on the lookout for common marketing nightmares before they keep you up at night. Sweet dreams start when you avoid these monster...

Planning For Success

Fall is here. Businesses and organizations are planning for the coming year, yet many overlook some key pieces to marketing success. Beyond budgeting for major projects or developing your media plan, there are other marketing investments that you should consider when...

Social Media III: Content Strategy

Content is king in social media. It doesn’t matter what type of audience you build unless you have a plan to communicate with them. Hopefully you’ve been able to determine where your customers are and set your social media goals, so you can focus on...