
Social Media: Consistency Is Key

February 16, 2012

Even organizations with the strictest of brand standards for their print materials can flounder in new media.

Just because social media interactions are less formal and structured than other corporate communications doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be consistent with your brand.

The first question to ask yourself: are your organization’s Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, Tumblr, Google+ and YouTube accounts presenting a consistent visual representation and brand voice to your followers?

Your social media presence should reinforce your existing branding across all platforms. For instance, when someone sees your Facebook page, it should visually echo your website and other marketing materials so it can immediately be recognized as your official page.

But visual consistency is just the first step. Consistency of voice is important as well. Even if your organization has multiple people tweeting, posting and interacting, you should consider guidelines for your organization’s voice, or the manner in which you communicate with your followers.

Your social media voice should complement how a customer relates to your brand through your existing marketing, customer service and in-person interactions. Social media can be less formal and more personal, but it should never be inconsistent with how you want your brand to be portrayed.

Social media is a wonderful opportunity to bring your brand to life for consumers. Having consistent visuals and voice is a great first step in making social media work for your organization.


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